Greyhound Medical Essentials

Greyhound Medical Essentials

Pet First Aid Kit – a valuable asset for all pet owners. There is a selection below I would recommend.                    For pets to be happy and healthy maybe look at at making a list of what important information 

Coats, Muzzles etc.

Coats, Muzzles etc.

Greyhounds do feel the cold more than other dog breeds.  Their skin is very thin and they are the skinnier breed of dog. Coats are an essential item you must have to ensure your Greyhound is comfortable and protected from the elements. Muzzles are also an essential 

Greyhound Central Apparel

Greyhound Central Apparel

We love ours, so we know you love your Greyhound. It’s time to share the love. Shout it from the rooftops.  

Greyhound Sleep and Bedding checklist

Greyhound Sleep and Bedding checklist

BEDDING My experience was that I wanted to make my 2 new pets as comfortable as I could. I looked in my garage and I found 2 x half plastic shell pools (cost less than $20) that were not being used -PERFECT for beds! My 

Greyhound Food

Greyhound Food

FOOD FOR GREYHOUNDS I researched what food is GOOD to feed my own Greyhounds and I have broken it into 3 categories for you: PET STORE PROCESSED FOOD – I have searched online/asked pet store staff. Basically my rule of thumb is – if you check the product