Greyhound Sleep and Bedding checklist

Greyhound Sleep and Bedding checklist
My experience was that I wanted to make my 2 new pets as comfortable as I could.
I looked in my garage and I found 2 x half plastic shell pools (cost less than $20) that were not being used -PERFECT for beds! My new Greyhounds loved them!
I purchased 2 large pet mattresses from a pet store (costs do vary)
2 old blankets that were used to move furniture and cut them in half – 2 for outside and 2 for inside.
Old pillows are great to help add comfort.







BEDDING – checklist
2 x Plastic shell pool (1 indoor and 1 outdoor)
2 x Dog mattress – Large/Extra Large (1 indoor and 1 outdoor)
2 x Blanket for comfort – single bed size is good
Pillows for comfort (2 x normal bed pillows)